About Me

They call me the pop culture savant. My future includes being an authority on all things celebrity, TV and gossip, and possibly even a gig co-hosting The View. I can probably tell you where Britney had lunch yesterday, whether or not “Jelena” — that’s Justin and Selena for you non-pop culture savvy folk — are back together (Update 4/27/13: they’re on!), and just how those Kardashians’ made $60 million dollars last year.

During my childhood, I spent lots of time with my babysitter: the television. While other kids were out playing in the park, I spent every waking second studying the bizarre world of fame. Vanity Fair was my bible, and People was the textbook. At its core, popular culture is a business…and, in my opinion, gossip is a commentary on our society, culture and values.

Most who have worked with me can also attest to my passion for brands and brand experience. And how popular culture defines that experience…but I can tell you more about that over coffee.

As for the nuts and bolts, I pursued a degree in Communications at Simon Fraser University. In an effort to be as well-rounded as possible, I sought internships in various cross-sections of the industry: I’ve dabbled in magazines, public relations, social media, television production and news. I thrive on pitching and telling stories, connecting with an audience and working in the realm of media. Follow me on Twitter @CassieGill, check out my blog http://www.CassieGill.com or visit my curated collection of pop culture knowledge at http://www.Pinterest.com/CassieGill88.

Check me out on my other social media platforms:


I’m also a devout follower of the “Church of Mimi.”

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